Do I Need A Home Inspection?


Getting a Home Inspection is a Must
Home inspections are now considered so routine that an estimated 77 percent of all home buyers invest in one. Buying a home is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Like any investment, you will want to know as much information about your purchase as possible. A comprehensive, professional home inspection is designed to help you with that effort.

What a Home Inspection is Not
A home inspection is not a to-do list for the seller. Over the past quarter-century two of the most common questions asked of home inspectors are "Who should make the repairs?" and "Should I buy this house?" The role of the home inspector is to provide the buyer with their opinion of the home's condition at the time of inspection. Because each real estate sales contract and transaction is different, a buyer's real estate sales professional or lawyer is better qualified to answer these type of questions. A home inspection is not a pass/fail test. "It is up to the buyer to determine whether or not the home passes his own test. A couple looking to totally renovate a home may realize that the need for lots of repairs to the mechanical systems doesn't matter to them. Conversely, a young couple buying a 'starter home' in which they plan to live only a few years may find a home with many problems is just not for them." It does not make a home purchase risk-free. Most home inspection companies utilize an inspection contract that outlines the specifics of the home inspection, as well as its limitations. But it's important to remember that while a home inspection is designed to reduce the risk in buying a home, it cannot eliminate that risk.

What to Look for in a Home Inspection
Choose wisely when it comes to selecting a home inspector. Even in areas where there is mandatory licensing, credentials among inspectors can vary dramatically. Price should not be the reason to select a home inspector. Make sure that your home inspector carry E&O insurance and is up to date with their ongoing training programs from the National Institute of Building Inspectors. It is also important to make sure that an inspector provides a written inspection report that includes pertinent details on the condition of major elements of the home. Look for a home inspector that encourages you to go along on the inspection. The inspection is a terrific introduction to a home. A professional inspector can answer questions, demonstrate how to operate various systems in the home, and provide helpful maintenance suggestions. Heed the inspector's advice. Deficiencies found on an inspection will continue to deteriorate through usage and age. Plan on addressing any outstanding concerns as soon as possible. A professional home inspection is the best investment a home buyer can make.


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